How to use Digital Planner Inderts

How to use Digital Planner Inserts

What if you have a digital planner that you love but it doesn’t have a page that you really need? No need to buy a new planner – you can use digital planner inserts!

In this guide I’m going to share with you different methods to use them.

What are digital planner inserts?

Planner Inserts are single pages that you can paste into your planner and they usually come in PNG format, but you can also find some in PDF format.

PDF inserts are amazing because they’re not pixelated, however not all apps allow you to import a PDF into another PDF. In that case, you’ll have to use the PNGs.

Where to find digital planner inserts

If you already have a planner, I would suggest to check if the designer also offers planner inserts. That way the style will match your planner.

Another place where you can find planner inserts is Etsy.
If you’d like to, you can check the inserts from my shop.

Planner Inserts from JeyDesignShop.

How to use digital planner inserts

1. Find or create an empty page

First, you’ll need a blank page, which most planners already have.
If yours doesn’t have one, you can follow these steps:

  1. Duplicate any page of your planner.
  2. Take a screenshot and crop it to obtain a square with the color of your planner’s background.
  3. Copy or save the screenshot.
  4. Paste or import the screenshot and resize it to fill the entire page.

Planner from JeyDesignShop.

2. Import the planner insert

There are different ways that you can use to import an insert to you planner. We’ll cover the following methods:

*Only if the app that you are using allows you to import a PDF into another PDF.

Drag & drop method

PDF – Planner Insert from JeyDesignShop.

  1. Duplicate the empty page.
  2. Using the split screen, open the file manager and locate the insert you want to use.
  3. Drag the insert from the file manager to the note taking app.

Image tool

PNG – Planner Insert from JeyDesignShop.

  1. Duplicate the empty page.
  2. Select the image tool (in some apps you might have to click on the “+” button and then on “Image“).
  3. Locate and select the insert you want to use.

I hope that you found this guide helpful.
If you have any question you can leave a comment or contact me on instagram (@_jeydesign).

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